Books once sold will not be taken back or exchanged, unless there is a manufacturing/binding defect. The availability and prices of the products on this website is based on the data provided by Supplier or Publisher of that product. You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped. Your entire order amount will be refunded. In case the product has been shipped but has not yet been delivered to you, you may still cancel the order online. Your refund will be processed once we receive the originally ordered product back from the India Post. In such cases refunds may be done excluding postal charges and packing charges.
For any cancellation by the customer, the refundable amount will be 80% of the total received amount.
Unfortunately, an order cannot be cancelled once the product has been delivered to you but it can be returned back for replacement.
Q. Why did Scientia Book Shop cancel my order?
Your order can be cancelled due to any of the below reasons:
1. Technical issues related to pricing information.
2. Non-availability of the product(s).
Q. Can I add items and combine orders after I have placed an order?
We currently do not allow the facility of adding or combining orders once they have been placed.
Q. How will I know that my order is cancelled?
You shall receive an automated e-mail once the order is cancelled.